Monday, November 21, 2011

November Workbee

These pictures are from working together on our monthly Sunday morning workbee. The only mammal not actively helping was sandwich (reportedly slept in after a late night).

ElT gathering leaves for our yearly composting needs. We've gathered many from the surrounding blocks.

Michael moving the raspberry canes so they will no longer shade our veggie patch. Sara helped too.

Sara takes some pictures.

Lisi acts disgusted cleaning the bathtub and tiles.

Ben gutted the fridge, cleaned, and got rid of many 'degueulasse' and unidentifiable items.

Leslee (with Donut, and Greg staring at Donut) washes rags and carpets, after finishing making lunch YUM.  

Supporting Roles:
Donut helped prepare chickweed from the garden for lunch.

Here Greg poses by his portrait. Thanks for looking so good, Greg!

Tiger and Spider watch work in the garden from their perch in the livingroom.

We work together once per month to tackle larger projects, and enjoy the togetherness of shared work. Plus, the house always looks and feels GREAT after we all put in such focused energy. Awesome Beehive!

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