Sunday April 15, 2012:
2 cubic yards of Organic Cow Manure! Before our Workbee, in order to increase the
fertility of our garden Sara ordered us 2 cubic yards of manure (see pic). Before/During the Workbee the rest of us (Myself, Travis, Leslee, Michael, and our
newest housemate Jenna! shoveled, wheelbarrowed, and spread the manure
around our various beds in the front.
However, to make a garden as productive as possible you must
add other things such as manure/lime to add other nutrients and change the pH
to make it optimal for plants to grow. So Travis as our head composter
extraordinaire, moved several buckets of compost from the back to the front.
Meanwhile, to handle the increase in bulk soil of one of our beds surrounding
the tree in the front, myself, Leslee, and Jenna added some salvaged wood posts
to contain the excess height of the manure/compost/lime.
Finally, to conclude our morning of gardening Travis plated
some quinoa, buckwheat and millet in the strip between the garlic and the
Leslee with shovel in hand!
Ben trying to spread the massive amount of manure he just dumped from the wheelbarrow behind him!
Travis churning the compost with a hoe!
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