Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Power of Sharing Food - Workshop

"The Power of Sharing Food" Was presented at the Beehive by Sara and LT yesterday as part of a series of workshops by the Vancouver Collective House Network (VCHN). Sara also helped present a workshop on how to live Collectively, earlier that day at Cherry Tree Fort!

Highlights- Passing around dried apple & pear to share with the person beside you. Sara's rockin "Halva shortbread" cookies! Juicy discussions on how to provide more collective residences and extending the advocacy role of the VCHN.

We love sharing food so much, we like to share the systems and practices that work for us at the Beehive! We think eating together is the foundation of our strong community of six (and guests!). Having a meal together lets us hear about each others days - highlights, tough times, and learn about new different worlds. This probably feeds compassion towards eachother as internal conflicts are quite rare.

Sharing the cost of food also helps us buy Organic and local food for much less than if we purchased individually. We estimate $550 per month for the 6 of us for food per month.

And Waste is also way down because our food comes with Very little packaging. Now that we have started composting cat manure, we only have to put out our garbage every 4th week and even then it is less than half full:) On the path to Zero-Waste Baby!

Groups decide how they would like to share food.

Sharing dried pears - my favourite!

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